In a world without walls: balinese homes in harmony with nature

Loved by travelers for its lush, tropical scenery, and charming people, Bali is considered to be one of the most magnificent places on earth.

Spirituality and nature are integral parts of everyday life for the Balinese, so one can easily see why the island's traditional architecture has a peaceful presence to it, mimicking its surroundings and sometimes blending in with them. When it comes to Balinese houses, walls are not compulsory, wood is everywhere, earth tones are dominant, and thatched roofs abound. Opening onto gorgeous green landscapes, majestic mountains, or beautiful coastlines, the homes herein ooze relaxing, contemplative vibes. Gazing at these opulent examples of simple and elegant living, one wonders why more people aren't rushing to move to Bali...

The photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world taking photos for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Great Escapes Asia, Great Escapes Europe, and Inside Asia.

The author: After a decade of working between Asia and America as a fashion designer and art dealer, Anita Lococo decided to make Bali her home 15 years ago. She has worked as a scout for Architectural Digest magazine and written articles about lifestyle, villas and interiors in Bali for British, American and German Vogue magazines, Gente Viaggi Italy, Elle Deco Spain, Maisons- Cote Sud, and local tourist In-style magazine. British Traveler magazine named her as the expert for travel in Bali.

Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on the themes of architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel.
ISBN 3-8228-4602-3 (French)
ISBN 3-8228-4600-7 (German, French, English)
ISBN 3-8228-4601-5 (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)

List Prices:
USD 24.99 | GBP 14.99 | EUR 19.99 | JPY 3900.00

Living in Bali
Taschen, Dr. Angelika (ED)
Lococo, Anita / Guntli, Reto

Hardcover, 26 x 30.2 cm (10.2 x 11.9 in.), 200 pages


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